Sat. May 18th, 2024

Louisiana’s biggest comic convention of the year was anything but disappointing as the Louisiana Ghostbusters rolled out in large force for the second year as a fan table and fund-raiser at the convention.  Here’s a look at some of the weekend’s events and a tale of our adventures!  (Click SL for a Slide Show and FR for a fullscreen viewing.)  Story follows below…


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The weekend started with a few of our members gathering Friday afternoon to drop off boxes of gear and table decorations and have a look at our space.  One thing we all observed this year was that he word is definitely out about this convention!  Space was limited and many, many more exhibitors and fan tables were present, causing us to have to reevaluate just where and how we would put our gear on display.  Thanks to a generous offer from our Battlestar Galactica fan neighbors, we were able to put an end table between us facilitating adequate space for unlicensed nuclear accelerators and ectoplasm samples!  Later that night we were treated to a homemade Gumbo at member Brandon Moreau’s apartment where laughs were had, puppies were cuddled, and food was eliminated.


Before turning in to rest up for our big day, some of the gang made it down to Cafe Du Monde for a little beignet dessert!  YUM!  Sugar with a little donut inside!

Saturday morning we finally geared up and headed to the showroom to finish decorating our table area and begin our day of wackiness.  The team was able to make a little money for the American Cancer Society by doing Buster Shots with fans who geared up, as well as trading bracelets for donations.  We were also treated by the rolling out of some new and original costumes by various members such as Brandom Moreau’s new Ghostbuster gear and suit, Julie Farbara’s Gozer, Mary’s Princess Peachbuster crossover, and David Johnson’s new Saintsbuster crossover.  That day we also presented actress Erin Gray with a certificate of honorary membership recognizing her charity work, help she’s given the Louisiana Ghostbusters in the past, and her role as a voice actress in the Ghostbusters Video Game by Atari.  We also had the opportunity to do some great dance moves for the video crew preparing a reality program with model/actress Adrienne Curry.  The group performed the Ghostbusters shuffle en masse with Curry and we hope to see some video of that soon!

Buster shots were popular with the kids.






Doing the Ghostbusters Shuffle with a supermodel on TV is awesome. Your counter-argument is irrelivant.
Adrienne Curry and the LouisianaGB's








Saturday night the crew headed out to Lucy’s bar and grill for some relaxation and amazing New Orleans cuisine.  There we inducted Alabama Ghostbusters Bo and Honey Gayle Bearden as honorary members.  Then we headed back to the convention hall for a little dancing and karaoke at the Wizardworld after party.  We were proud to be the last ones standing when the party ended!  Maybe it was our singing?

Resting our tootsies after a day on our feet bustin' cancer.










Sunday the gang continued spreading the word of our good deeds and bustin’ mischievous FRV’s around the convention.  Several of us rolled out new costumes, not the least of which was Krista’s special Bleez the Red Lantern costume.  We also got to see a few more of our members roll in who couldn’t make it Saturday!

Members Mark Rhodes and Richard Houidobre made it in Sunday!



Krista's new Bleez the Red Lantern costume in its full glory.


All in all it was an amazingly fun and reasonably productive weekend filled with excellent memories.  Thanks to all who attended, hosted, cooked, set up, took down, grabbed us donations, organized mini-events, costumed, and came out to support us!

Most of our cast on Saturday afternoon...we actually added a couple more on Sunday for a total of about 25 Ghostbusters over the weekend.